Show Me The Money!

Tony Hunnicutt (Editor)


Publisher: Show Me the Money!
Format: Pamphlet
Binding: pam
Pages: 38
Released: November 6, 2014

A brilliant zine, focussing on an analysis (from an anarchist, anti-corporate perspective) of capitalist economics, the money system, finance, and how it actually works today. Through a series of ongoing articles and essays, this well-put-together and easy-to-understand zine brings us, remarkably free of jargon, a real understanding of what debt, banking, and money itself actually mean for us.

In the latest Issue (#40, Summer/Fall/Winter 2014), you'll find "Conservatives, Evil and Psychopathy," Colonization by Bankruptcy: The Chess Match for Argentina," The Environmental Corner, the Lay-Off scoreboard, Poems, Quotes, Fun Facts and more!

The previous issue, #39 (spring 2014), features: "USPS isn't broke—It's being robbed!"; "Print your own money!"; articles by Benjamin Tucker and William Green; Lay-Off Scoreboard (pretty staggering); Environmental Corner (also staggering); Fun Facts... and more!

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