Unfuck Your Intimacy Using Science for Better Relationships, Sex, and Dating

Dr. Faith G. Harper (Author)


Publisher: Microcosm
Binding: pb
Pages: 223
Released: June 11, 2019
ISBN-13: 9781621067627

Explore your relationships and sexuality, with yourself and with others, with this new book by Dr. Faith, author of Unfuck Your Brain. Written particularly for people who are in intimate relationships, but also incredibly useful if you're single or dating and trying to unpack your past or plan for your future. With science and humor, Dr. Faith demystifies topics such as kink, consent, shame, and trauma recovery.

Contains many exercises and questions to think, talk, or write about, on your own or with a partner. Read this book to learn vital life skills like listening to your body and your gut, setting boundaries, and communicating your needs. If you're looking to heal from past wounds, make better choices, or improve an existing relationship, this book is for you. 

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