Trans Like Me Conversations for All of Us

CN Lester (Author)


Publisher: Seal Press
Format: Book
Binding: pb
Pages: 240
Released: June 19, 2018
ISBN-13: 9781580057844

In Trans Like Me, CN Lester takes readers on a measured, thoughtful, intelligent yet approachable tour through the most important and high-profile narratives around the trans community, turning them inside out and examining where we really are in terms of progress. From the impact of the media’s wording in covering trans people and issues, to the way parenting gender variant children is portrayed, Lester brings their charged personal narrative to every topic and expertly lays out the work left to be done.

Trans Like Me explores the ways that we are all defined by ideas of gender–whether we live as he, she, or they–and how we can strive for authenticity in a world that forces limiting labels.
"An indispensable insider's guide."—Susan Stryker, author of Transgender History


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