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A Comic About Workers and their UnionsSam Wallman
The American Working Class in the SixtiesMartin Glaberman
Strategy for the Working Class in the 21st CenturyTom Wetzel
A Political History of Debt, Misery, and the Drift to the RightDavid Roediger
Class Divides UncoveredBen Tippet
Why You Can't Use the State to Abolish ClassAnonymous
An Anarchist's Adventures in Trade UnionismPeter Good
America’s New Landscape of Class and ConflictPhil A. Neel
How Devotion to Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and AloneSarah Jaffe
Notes on Collective Practice in the UndercommonsStevphen Shukaitis
Stories of Homesteading and Cooperative HousingUHAB
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Labor & Class Struggle