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Search results for: 'emergent+strategy+series+'A=0'
Shaping Change, Changing Worldsadrienne maree brown
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Shaping Change, Changing Worldsadrienne maree brown
Shaping Change, Changing Worldsadrienne maree brown
The Revolutionary Public Relations of the Zapatista InsurgencyJeff Conant
The Rojava RevolutionStrangers in a Tangled Wilderness
The Rojava RevolutionStrangers in a Tangled Wilderness
The Revolutionary Public Relations of the Zapatista InsurgencyJeff Conant
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Contemporary Social Movements and Counter-HegemonyWilliam K. Carroll
Building Antiracist FuturesJoshua Virasami
Social Struggles in the Transition to a Post-Petrol WorldKolya Abramsky
Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis, and Movement Building StrategyChris Crass
How Everyday People Are Fighting Oppression and Changing the World—and How You Can, TooIjeoma Oluo
A Strategy Guide for Racial Justice Communications in the Obama EraPraxis Media Productions
Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination
Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a MovementAngela Y. Davis
How to Build Relationships, Hook Up, and Raise Hell, Together Dean Spade
The Politics of Feeling Goodadrienne maree brown
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A World Beyond Bombs, Borders, and CagesRay Acheson
Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to LiberationKate Khatib
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Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation Kate Khatib
A History of the Sojourner Truth Organization, 1969–1986Michael Staudenmaier
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Actions and Strategies for ChangeAric McBay
Strategy for the Working Class in the 21st CenturyTom Wetzel
Strategy for the Working Class in the 21st CenturyTom Wetzel
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Land, Gentrification and the Umoja Village ShantytownMax Rameau
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Writings of Os Cangaceiros Vol. 1Os Cangaceiros
Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice MovementEjeris Dixon
Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice MovementEjeris Dixon
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A Brief History of Student OrganizingInterference Archive
Marco Rosaire Conrad-Rossi
Report from the Zapatista EscuelitaPeter Linebaugh
Lessons from Movement for a New SocietyAndrew Cornell
Rojava RevolutionDilar Dirik
Harsha Walia
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Land, Gentrification and the Umoja Village ShantytownMax Rameau
State Violence, Popular Justice, and the "Escrache"Colectivo Situaciones
Mutual Aid and Radical ActionRhiannon Firth
History, Theory, and Strategy for Collective LiberationCounterPower
250 Years of Activist Art and Artists Working in Social Justice MovementsNicolas Lampert
Resource Wars and Social Movements in BoliviaBenjamin Dangl
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Dissident Labor and Armed Struggle in Uruguay, 1956–76Troy Andreas Araiza Kokinis
Dissident Labor and Armed Struggle in Uruguay, 1956–76Troy Andreas Araiza Kokinis
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A Guide for Collaborative GroupsStarhawk
Chronicle of a Radical Dutch Movement, 1969–1974Coen Tasman
A Roadmap for RadicalsJonathan Matthew Smucker
A Roadmap for RadicalsJonathan Matthew Smucker
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A Riotous History of Uncivil ActionVicky Osterweil
A History of the Sojourner Truth Organization, 1969–1986Michael Staudenmaier
Critical Research Strategies for Journalists, Scholars, and ActivistsJamie Brownlee
A Thinking Person’s Guide to Being an Anti- Authoritarian—Strategies, Tools, and ModelsBruce E. Levine
A Thinking Person’s Guide to Being an Anti- Authoritarian—Strategies, Tools, and ModelsBruce E. Levine
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A Modern Handbook For ActivistsLisa Mueller
Unarmed Insurrection and the Rhetoric of ResistanceShon Meckfessel
Unarmed Insurrection and the Rhetoric of ResistanceShon Meckfessel
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The Body as a Site of StruggleBob Williams-Findlay
A Story of Rebellion, Courage, and JusticeGayle Tzemach Lemmon
How AIDS Activists Used Art to Fight a PandemicJack Lowery
Notes on Everyday Resistance and Organizing to Make a Revolution PossibleKevin Van Meter
Notes on Everyday Resistance and Organizing to Make a Revolution PossibleKevin Van Meter
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Image Making and Political MovementsJosh MacPhee
Radical Spaces, Urban StrugglesSquatting in Europe Kollective
Notes for a New Insurrection (20th Anniversary Edition)Colectivo Situaciones
A Guide for Lawyers and MovementsTilted Scales Collective
A Guide for Lawyers and MovementsTilted Scales Collective
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A History of the New Jewish AgendaEzra Berkley Nepon
Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice Mariame Kaba
Networks of Race and Gender JusticeSarah J. Jackson
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The John Brown Anti-Klan Committee and Lessons for Today's MovementsHilary Moore
Organizing the Twenty-First Century ResistanceAjamu Nangwaya
Organizing the Twenty-First Century ResistanceAjamu Nangwaya
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The Afterlives of Radical PoliticsCharlotte Al-Khalili
Revolutionary Solidarity and the Poverty of LiberalismCindy Milstein
Revolutionary Solidarity and the Poverty of LiberalismCindy Milstein
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State Violence, Racial Capitalism, and the Movement for Black LivesDonna Murch
Futures Beyond Capitalist UrbanizationMary N. Taylor
An EthnographyDavid Graeber
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How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the WorldPrentis Hemphill
Social Movements and States in Latin AmericaBenjamin Dangl
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A Radical Collective ManifestoFederico Campagna
Field Notes From a Failed RevolutionJeffrey St. Clair
Between a Present Yet to Pass and a Future Still to ComeDimitris Dalakoglou
A National Wake-Up CallArthur Manuel
Grassroots Challenges to the Savior MentalityJordan Flaherty
A Handbook on Collective Process Gone AwryRichard Singer
A Field Guide to Black ResistanceAkiba Solomon
Notes for a New Social ProtagonismColectivo Situaciones
A Cartography of Latin American Social MovementsRaul Zibechi
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A Liberatory Practice of Harm ReductionShira Hassan
How Ordinary People Saved a Country from Corporate GreenRobin Broad
A Brief History of the Kurdish Liberation StruggleHavin Guneser
A Toolbox for LiberationEli Feghali
A Philosophy of ViolenceElsa Dorlin
How a Group of Drug Users Transformed One City’s Struggle with Addiction Travis Lupick
Students For A Democratic Society And The Weather Underground OrganizationDavid Gilbert
A Biographical History of the Polish Orange Alternative MovementMajor Waldemar Fydrych
A DIY Guide to Making Social Change through ArtLeanne Prain
Notes on a Black UprisingChristopher R. Rogers
Building Thriving Resistance in Toxic Timescarla bergman
Building Thriving Resistance in Toxic TimesCarla Bergman
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A Punk Journey Through Mental HealthJason Schreurs
A History of Hope and EmpowermentMazin Qumsiyeh
Dispatches from a Post-ADA WorldBen Mattlin
A Cartography of Latin American Social MovementsRaul Zibechi
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Revolutionary Aspirations in a Post-Democratic WorldHamid Dabashi
The Power of Art to Create a Better WorldAmber Massie-Blomfield
The Past, Present, and Future of a World-Changing IdeaLeah Hunt-Hendrix
A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987–1993Sarah Schulman
An Anthology of Social ProtestUpton Sinclair
From the Home to the PlanetRobert Gottlieb
The Council Movement, Gender Liberation, and EcologyTATORT Kurdistan
Revised and Expanded Fourth EditionJennifer Beer
Chronicles of Everyday LifeNoel Ignatiev
France, May '68Fredy Perlman
Building Solidarity During This Crisis (and the Next)Dean Spade
Or the Model of the Occupation of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in ZagrebMarc Bousquet
The Story of the Makhnovist Intelligence ServiceV. Azarov
Homeless Organizing, Art and Politics in San Francisco and BeyondPaul Boden
Direct Action and Solidarity with the Palestinian Popular StruggleUri Gordon
Anarchists as Revolutionary OrganizersIan Martin
Selected Essays on the Culture of RevoltAK Thompson
Systems Design and Social JusticeDesign Studio for Social Intervention
History, Theory, PracticeDilar Dirik
The Left-Wing AlternativeDaniel Cohn-Bendit
The Contested Vocabulary of Late-Capitalist StruggleAK Thompson
The Contested Vocabulary of Late-Capitalist StruggleAK Thompson
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Crisis, Resistance, and the Age of AusterityDeric Shannon
The Protest Movement and the Future of ChinaAu Loong-Yu
Challenging Racism in OrganizationsTina Lopes
The Undocumented-Led Struggle for FreedomMarco Saavedra
The Undocumented-Led Struggle for FreedomMarco Saavedra
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Building Movements and Fighting to WinAric McBay
Dutch Collective Imagination in the Sixties and SeventiesMarjolijn van Riemsdijk
Anarchist Individualist Writings from Early Twentieth-Century FranceMitchell Abidor
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Or, the Student HandjobUniversity For Strategic Optimism
Homegrown Resistance to Mountaintop Removal, For the Future of Us AllTricia Shapiro
Contemporary Radical and Anarchist Activism in Richmond Virginia from 1994—2004Mo Karnage
Activists You Didn't Learn About in School (3rd Edition)Shaun Slifer
At the Front Lines of the Fight to Protect Abortion in America Lauren Rankin
Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of ColorAndrea J. Ritchie
How We Come Together When We Fall ApartAlicia Garza
The Next GenerationS. Bear Bergman
2nd EditionPeter Gelderloos
Democratic Autonomy and Women's Liberation in the Syrian KurdistanMichael Knapp
Sacrifice at Toronto’s G8/G20 SummitGreg Elmer
Writings From An Anti-Imperialist Political PrisonerDavid Gilbert
Horizons of Care Beyond Austerity, Reflections From GreeceCarenotes Collective
Dreaming Disability JusticeLeah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Ibram X. Kendi
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Chaos and PoetryFranco "Bifo" Berardi
Ibram X. Kendi
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Revolution, War and the Future of Syria's KurdsThomas Schmidinger
Selected Essays on the Culture of RevoltAK Thompson
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Building Solidarity with the African Liberation StruggleJosh MacPhee
Field Notes from San Francisco’s Housing WarsJames Tracy
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Politics & Culture of Revolutionary Asian/Pacific AmericaFred Ho
Critical Mass at 20Chris Carlsson
Talking across Today's Transformative MovementsChris Dixon
The Disability Justice and Art Activism of Sins InvalidShayda Kafai
The Journal of Ecological ResistanceEarth First!
The Fight for Hong KongAntony Dapiran
Memoirs Of An Urban GuerillaAnn Hansen
Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdogan's TurkeyThomas Jeffrey Miley
Additional Elements of an Oral History of the 1968 Uprising in FranceMitchell Abidor
The History of the Boston Antiauthoritarian Movement 2001–2010 and Other EssaysJake Carman
How You Can Help End Poverty and War with Food Not BombsKeith McHenry
Indigenous Movements and the Decolonization of History in BoliviaBenjamin Dangl
The Communism of DestitutionMarcello Tarì
Internationalist Commune of RojavaInternationalist Commune of Rojava
The Collective Work of GriefCindy Milstein
The Collective Work of GriefCindy Milstein
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The Power of Narrative in Pursuing Racial JusticeSonali Kolhatkar
Resistance Beyond Violence and NonviolenceBenjamin S. Case
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Resistance Beyond Violence and NonviolenceBenjamin S. Case
Your Voice and How to Use ItJamie Margolin
Final Public Speeches of Subcommander MarcosSubcommander Marcos
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The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing RevolutionVincent Bevins
The Rise of the Red Brigades 1960s–1970sChris Aronson Beck
Indonesia and the Birth of the Modern WorldDavid Van Reybrouck
Transnational Black Radicalism and the Sir George Williams OccupationRonald Cummings
Anti-Globalization and the Genealogy of DissentAK Thompson
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Grassroots Challenges to the Savior MentalityJordan Flaherty
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Beyond the RoadblocksColectivo Situaciones
uncensored stray thoughts on revolutionary organizationJ. Sakai
Transoceanic Partisan ResearchLiaisons
Policing and Anti-Capitalist StruggleCedric G. Johnson
French Anarchists & AlgeriaDavid Porter
The Promise of Direct DemocracyCindy Milstein
The Promise of Direct DemocracyCindy Milstein
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An Hysterical RomancePenny Rimbaud
Property and Resistance in the United StatesHannah Dobbz
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Reclaiming Family, Friendship, and CommunityMia Birdsong
Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal CareMariame Kaba
Forcing Nonviolence on Forgetful MovementsPeter Gelderloos
An Oral History of the 1968 Uprising in FranceMitchell Abidor
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An Oral History of the 1968 Uprising in FranceMitchell Abidor
The Story of The Electric Smoothie Lab ApothecaryKelly Curry
Lessons from Jewish Anti-Zionist OrganizingRebecca Vilkomerson
The Printed Legacy of the US Radical Left, 1970–1979Brad Duncan
Vijay Prashad
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America's Overdose Crisis and the Drug Users Fighting for SurvivalTravis Lupick
The Limits of Progressive PoliticsMarc Lamont Hill
Capitalism, Democracy and the Organisation of ConsentRebecca Fisher
The Toronto G20 and the Challenges of Summit ProtestTom Malleson
Acts Against the Criminalization of SolidarityValeria Graziano
How to Protect Your Community from the Mining IndustryJoan Kuyek
Canada’s Tradition of War Resistance from 1812 to the War on TerrorLara Campbell
The Academic Repression of Israel's CriticsWilliam I. Robinson
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How Global People's Movements Are Leading the Fight for Our PlanetAshley Dawson
Social Struggle in the Atlantic WorldMehmet Dosemeci
300 Years of Insurrection in the American SouthNeal Shirley
The Organisational Challenge for AnarchistsAndrew Flood
Reclaiming AntiracismAzfar Shafi
The Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution Josh MacPhee
Stories From the Prison Books MovementMoira Marquis
Building New Solidarities with PalestineMahdi Sabbagh
Rising Up Without Burning OutOccupy Mental Health Project
Poor People-Led Theory, Art, Words & Tears Across Mama EarthLisa "Tiny" Gray-Garcia
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