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Search results for: 'emergent+strategy+series+'A=0'
Search results for: 'emergent+strategy+series+'A=0'
The Neglected Toll of Violence on Black AmericaElliott Currie
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Food Not Bombs, Homes Not Jails, and Resistance to Gentrification Sean Parson
Seditionist Distribution UK
Confronting the Threats to Our SurvivalNoam Chomsky
Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a MovementAngela Y. Davis
15 Myths on HomelessnessMary Brosnahan
Gentrification, Inequality, and the Fight for the NeighborhoodP.E. Moskowitz
A Journey to a World Without BordersTodd Miller
And Other Dreams of Transformative Justiceadrienne maree brown
Rojava RevolutionDilar Dirik
History, Theory, and Strategy for Collective LiberationCounterPower
Urban Recomposition and Social WarAndrew Lee
A Radical ManifestoBill Ayers
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A Hundred Years of ResistanceM. Testa
How New Age Conspiracy Theories Became a Health ThreatDerek Beres
America's Quest for Global DominanceNoam Chomsky
William I. Robinson
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Essays on Fascism, Resistance, and Surviving the ApocalypseShane Burley
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A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017Rashid Khalidi
On Pain, Disability, and DoomJohanna Hedva
The Myths that Subvert FreedomNesrine Malik
Why Things Spread—And Why They StopAdam Kucharski
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Coming Together as Things Fall ApartAstra Taylor
The Failure of American HousingAndrew Ross
How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the WorldPrentis Hemphill
Essays on Love, Harm, and TransformationKimberly Dark
A Citizen’s Guide to Participatory DemocracyPatrizia Nanz
A New Origin Story Nikole Hannah-Jones
A Diary of Rough Sleeping in BritainAndrew Fraser
A Disarming History of the Second AmendmentRoxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
A Bookseller's TalePaul Yamazaki
Rebellion, Resistance, and AutonomyJérôme Baschet
A Diary of GenocideAtef Abu Saif
How QAnon Became a Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy Theory of EverythingMike Rothschild
A Guide to Borders and Immigration Across North AmericaCrimethInc Ex-Workers' Collective
A Radical Guide to Fighting AntisemitismShane Burley
The Story of Three Newcomers Who Breathed Life into a Dying American TownSusan Hartman
A Guide to Bodied Resistance to ZionismEliana Rubin
Grief and Revolution in a World on FireSarah Jaffe
How the Child Welfare System Destroys Black Families—And How Abolition Can Build a Safer WorldDorothy Roberts
A Chronicle of Colonialism and the Struggle for LiberationVisualizing Palestine
LGBT Stories from Red StatesSamantha Allen
From the Home to the PlanetRobert Gottlieb
Basic Income for Complicated LivesEvelyn Forget
Identify, Understand, and Cope with PTSD and Emotional StressKati Morton
Building Solidarity During This Crisis (and the Next)Dean Spade
An Empathy HandbookHenry James Garrett
The Case for AbolitionGracie Mae Bradley
The Art and Cultures of Care and LiberationSundus Abdul Hadi
The Everyday Struggle to Get an Abortion in AmericaDavid S. Cohen
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The Uneven Burden of Reproductive PoliticsKrystale E. Littlejohn
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Stories From Palestinian ExilesMuhammad Ali Khalidi
20 Years of Social Movement Stories from Rabble.caSophia Reuss
The Protest Movement and the Future of ChinaAu Loong-Yu
The Undocumented-Led Struggle for FreedomMarco Saavedra
The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease CollideSteven W. Thrasher
College Football and the Politics of RapeJessica Luther
How Strategic Ignorance Rules the WorldLinsey McGoey
The Origins of Our DiscontentsIsabel Wilkerson
How the Alt-Right Is Warping the American ImaginationAlexandra Minna Stern
Capitalist Asphyxia Donatella Di Cesare
Vulnerability, Shame Resilience, and the Black ExperienceTarana Burke
The Politics of InterdependenceThe Care Collective
Lowercase pamphletJacob Wren
Talking across Today's Transformative MovementsChris Dixon
Artists’ Responses to Homelessness From the New Deal to the PresentArt Hazelwood
Gentrification and the Real Estate StateSamuel Stein
Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/IsraelBen White
Barack Obama and the Politics of IllusionJeffrey St. Clair
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Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdogan's TurkeyThomas Jeffrey Miley
Refugees and the Right to MoveReece Jones
Food and Longing in an American CityKim Foster
Field Notes from San Francisco’s Housing WarsJames Tracy
Free Speech and Palestinian FreedomRebecca Gould
Rethinking Who Needs Improvement Ashley Shew
And the Politics of AppealMohammed El-Kurd
Internationalist Commune of RojavaInternationalist Commune of Rojava
Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate AnxietyBritt Wray
Societies in Movement and Anticolonial Paths in Latin AmericaRaúl Zibechi
The Collapse of Liberal Democracy in the United StatesEric Cheyfitz
Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist NationalismHarsha Walia
The Untold Story of Harm Reduction and the Future of Addiction Maia Szalavitz
Bringing the Rojava Revolution HomeJenni Keasden
Mutual Aid During the Covid-19 CrisisMarina Sitrin
And 20 Other Myths About Surveillance and PrivacyHeidi Boghosian
Liberating Ourselves From the American DreamAlissa Quart
The Brutal Economics of Covid-19Joshua Gans
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Syrians in Revolution and War Robin Yassin-Kassab
Surviving Digital UtopiaMike Pepi
The Abuse of Power and the Assault on DemocracyNoam Chomsky
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Conversations on Capitalism and COVID-19Ian McKay
Fifty Years of CounterrevolutionsFrançois Cusset
Reclaiming Family, Friendship, and CommunityMia Birdsong
Illustrated Abortion Stories, History, and PoliticsHazel Newlevant
Dog Lady and the Story of America's Forgotten People and Pets Carol Mithers
And Other EssaysTressie McMillan Cottom
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The Insidious Power of Men over MotherhoodAllison Yarrow
America's Overdose Crisis and the Drug Users Fighting for SurvivalTravis Lupick
The Limits of Progressive PoliticsMarc Lamont Hill
How the World Surrendered to Climate BreakdownAndreas Malm
Stories of Brave Teenagers Seeking AsylumTracy White
Notes on the Ongoing CollapseMikkel Bolt Rasmussen
Britain and Palestine, 1914–1939Peter Shambrook
The Academic Repression of Israel's CriticsWilliam I. Robinson
Tim Wise
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Conversations on the Post-911 WorldNoam Chomsky
Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and the Fragility of U.S. PowerNoam Chomsky
Black Women’s Stories of Police Violence and Public SilenceKimberlé Crenshaw
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Standing Up to Vigilantes in the American BorderlandsPatrick Strickland
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The New Alliance Between India and IsraelAzad Essa
Obama, Trump and the Politics of AppeasementPaul Street
Building New Solidarities with PalestineMahdi Sabbagh
How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our LivesSiddharth Kara
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