Shopping Cart Pantheism

Jeanne Randolph (Author)


Publisher: ARP Books
Format: Book
Binding: pb
Released: June 1, 2015
ISBN-13: 9781894037617

Shopping Cart Pantheism offers a preposterous and yet challenging invitation to participate in commodity adoration. Glorifying consumerism as the de facto religion of our time, the brainy, off-kilter narrator invites readers to welcome the era of advertising that is mining Subconscious remnants of Christian mythology. As she meanders The Strip in Las Vegas, its sites and monuments become examples of Christian sainthood, miracles, worship, and dogma now transformed into icons of consumerism. Satiric, witty, and deeply insightful, Shopping Cart Pantheism reveals the fraught beginnings of the twenty-first century’s most pervasive neurosis.
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