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A Stuart Christie ReaderStuart Christie
The Definitive EditionLorenzo Kom'boa Ervin
Adventures at the Crossroads of Anarchism and SurrealismRon Sakolsky
Reflections on the British Labour Party and European Working-Class MovementsG.D.H. Cole
Theory and PracticeMichael Beyea Reagan
A Guide for Lawyers and MovementsTilted Scales Collective
An Anarchist Theory of the Modern StateEric Laursen
How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have FailedJames C. Scott
Mending the World as Jewish AnarchistsCindy Milstein
A Sociological Analysis of Movement AnarchismDana M. Williams
A Deep History of the Earliest StatesJames C. Scott
Building Solidarity During This Crisis (and the Next)Dean Spade
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